Salon Apprentice

Salon Apprentice ID# 46601

U P D O| Butterfly Studio Salon
Hi Beautiful People, I'm Kayla, Senior Apprentice at Butterfly Studio Salon and I’m looking for HAIRCUT MODELS! | Style: UPDO - 2 STYLES | Model must have : *Short - Medium - Long, Straight to Curly Naturally Flowing Hair ! ALL TEXTURES WELCOME !| MODEL DATE: APR 1| TIME: 1030am| Service Fee: $40 in exact cash, tips greatly appreciated | All model services include a luxurious wash, high-end products & styling and educator support | Check out my Instagram @KAYLAACIARAA and **See attached photos below for our inspired looks** photos from Pinterest | If interested and available, please send: name, best availability: date + time & recent photos of your hair to *** KAYLA - 3477207441 *** | ABOUT ME: Fun-Loving, Creative and Happy, I’m a Brooklyn Native that loves all things Beauty and Spiritual Wellness. I’m a Mama to boy/girl Twins, and spend my freetime diving into my self-care & exploring this abundant city. I’ve been a Hairstylist for 6+ years with experience in Curls and Blowouts. Working at Butterfly Studio Salon has been amazing, I finally found a salon home I love and enjoy and I’m on the path to be promoted soon. I would love for you to join me on the journey from Apprentice to Junior Hairstylist. Let’s cut & style your gorgeous hair <3 | Hope to hear from you soon!
Butterfly Studio Salon
New York
Female & Male
Flatiron, NY
Flatiron/ Chelsea