Salon Apprentice

Salon Apprentice ID# 67165

Straight haired model needed today at Drybar at Hell's Kitchen at 4PM
Seasoned stylist is seeking a model with straight, mid length hair to demonstrate one to two signature looks on hair. Please meet at 3:45 PM at: Time: 4:00 PM | Drybar Stylist Audition Location: Drybar Hells Kitchen 490 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036 for TODAY January 13th Model should have: Shoulder length or longer hair that has not been chemically treated with a relaxer, perm, or straightening agent. Colored or highlighted hair is fine. It’s recommended, but not required, that the model has fine or straight hair. Please email: [email protected] to confirm Thank you
New York
Drybar Hells Kitchen 490 W 42nd St, New York, NY
Hell's Kitchen