Salon Apprentice

Salon Apprentice ID# 67841

Blonde Highlights & Haircut (Trim) Model Needed
Seeking an individual for blonde Highlights and Haircut (trim) for a salon job opportunity demonstration. YOU: Must have either no previous hair color on the hair (even if your last color was 2+ years ago - absolutely NO previous hair color on the hair) or in need of a highlight retouch/refresh. This will be a traditional highlight for a blonde effect. Haircut is just a trim. Ideal candidate must have medium to long hair. ME: Established hairstylist/colorist with almost 20 years experienced in the competitive NYC salon industry. Please email 3-4 pictures of your hair. In addition, please explain your hair type/texture. Demonstration is Wednesday, April 2nd at 3pm. This date and time is not flexible.
New York
Cut & Color
570 Columbus Ave New York, NY 10024
Upper West Side